Friday, April 23, 2010

new happenings.

my brother would be so proud of me. i felt victory in just clicking the blogger tab on my favorites bar :)
wanted to post some pics of my new little project. the last coat of paint is drying as we speak. i am creating a little vignette for the new house i am getting ready to move into. pictures of that coming in the next....month. boy i wish those girls would move out quite quick.
step one of the project. paint my old kanakuk trunk to a fantastically stormy blue/green. it's called tropical skies. the name of the paint swatch takes high priority in the choosing of paint colors. this one does wonderfully. a little kahlua and cream helps, along with the madonna episode of glee :)
this was the project i finished probably a week or two ago. i modge podged this fantastic paper that my mom and sister in law got me for christmas onto my...
mirror! don't judge the sweatpant look. it's fierce!
im planning on putting my mirror on-top of the trunk to use as a full body mirror.

i like it. and am really excited.
now onto picking out a duvet cover. urgh. i was lazy and didn't order the one i waned from anthro. now im perusing the internet for covers. most interweb surfing sessions end in me feeling as though i need to go shower off the sludge of grossie-ness that comes from websites such as and
yes....i've stooped that low. ugh. absolutely hate admitting that. i've finally narrowed it down to my two favs. a potterybarn teen one, and a target one. time to vote NOW!

Here's the one from target....
Here is the one from
Pottery Barn...


  1. LOVE THE MIRROR. Oh, Julia, I love it sooooooo!!! My little brain is trying to think of all the things I could modge podge with my paper.

    As for duvet covers. I vote Target. Hands down.

    Good talking with you... Love, Karyn

  2. JULIA!!!! that mirror is amazing! oh how you LOVE modge-podge and paper... what a perfect thing to do with it. can't wait to see it in person someday. and the trunk looks great. and i agree with karyn in my vote for target.


  3. well done Yoolies! I vote Tar-zchey.

  4. and please keep your eyes peeled for a FANTASTIC blog from the fine folks at Stogies and Bogeys.

  5. Ju! So, I'm just catching up on all your blogs...I don't know how it's been this friggin long since I last looked. So, I'm starting with this post and working my way to the most recent. I'd like to cast my vote, but I'm feeling a little vulnerable about doing so, since you may have already gotten it and let the world know in a more recent post....but I'm putting myself out there and voting nonetheless.

    I see you have a popular vote for the Target cover, which is definitely great. But I am totally drawn to the PB cover, and I think it is beautiful!

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the mirror. You rock my socks off with all your modge podge!
