Sunday, January 24, 2010


I guess I haven't really posted about my job yet.

I have a job! Hooray!

But I miss having all the time in the world to do whatever I pleased, whenever I pleased. All of a sudden, I have an income, I have stability, and no time to enjoy it.

Yes. I suppose that is an overstatement. But sometimes that is how it feels. I guess the grass is always greener.

Love working in the bridal industry! It's quite fascinating. And you never know what each day will look like. Some days, I am running around like crazy, and other days, I am mushing prom dresses on the rack....good lord how prom has changed since my time! But I am thankful. Thankful for sweet friends to work alongside, and really fun environment to work in.

I worked my first bridal show today and it was....CRAZY! hahaha. I had never even been to one before, much less worked one. But it was really fun. I don't even know how to describe them. But there is a funny, crazy, bridal explosion of energy in the room. And this year we didn't have to share the expo center with the gun show! So it was extra bridal-ey.

Im pretty sure I have walked away with a few crazier and odd stories than I had at Starbucks, which is tough to beat! But I love helping a girl find a dress that she feels absolutely beautiful in, and I get to be a part of the little piece of her journey.

Wow. That sounded extra cheesey. :)

cheating on organic.

I have begun to eat completely organic food. And am absolutely amazed at how different my body already feels. Whether I like it or not, I have crossed over. Good bye easy, quick, msg filled food. It's been a great 24 years, but my body hates me for loving you.

I have had minimal cheat days, and those days are brutal. My tongue is happy for just a quick moment, and then my body takes over. So I try to keep those days to a minimum.

Today was one of them. Out of my control, it became a cheat day, so I indulged all day knowing I would be back on track just in time for dinner. And boy was it delicious. Worth it? Eh. Jury is still out on that one. After my fantastically organic dinner, I was craving something sweet, and those organic dried apple chips just weren't cutting it. I scoured the house, and found these.

And I thought to myself. Wow! It's been a really long time since I've had chocolate! I deserve a little chocolatey treat!

And as I indulged on semi-sweet chocolate chips and marshmallow's, I recalled the M&M's I'd had just a few hours before....ooooops. Guess it hadn't really been THAT long since I'd had chocolate. :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Ringin in the new year.

let's be honest. my new years eve was not note worthy in any way! it was ironic, and awkward, and just absolutely brutal. i thought this picture did it justice.
my new years resolution among others is to actually have a good new years eve next year.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

new camera. new pics. new new new.

i keep not blogging. i don't like it. i have no excuses...except that life got i said...not an excuse not to blog. so im doing it. here comes the fun adventures of auntie julia and the crazy neph's...

*all pics compliments of my new camera!*

one really fun thing we did....we took these crayons.

and turned them into these crayons!

how cool are they?! karyn and i were pretty proud of ourselves.... we kind of took over the project while the boys were sleeping..this is them when they woke up.

jamey was not in the mood to take pics so me and jack went at it. this is his current favorite picture face. :)

i told him to do a different face, and this is what i got.

:) i wrangled him in for a good pic...

and somehow grabbed jamey and got a good pic out of the deal too....miracle!

Friday, January 1, 2010

hello time!

"wow. i can't believe it's 2010." probably one of the most cliche statements made these days, now that i think about it, but i don't care:) im still shocked. never thought i'd make it past....2004, much less diving full fledged into the double digits.

life has been quite lively and crazy as of late. with family, holidays, and the newness of life, i keep wanting to run and blog, and lose the thought the next second. but as i sit here letting my nails dry (cathartic for me) i'm beginning to think of everything that really happened in the last month.

i remember feeling so shocked at how used to being alone i had become. and then a sweet family of four took over the basement, and life was lively. but i didn't realize the life that was missing until i got to play "dangerous sort of spikey dinosaurs" with the imagination of a 4 and 2 year old, followed by a tea party. i feel like i have gotten back in touch with a life inside of me, that i have not seen in quite some time...for sure not since before september. and i'm thankful. to think of the house being empty once again, it makes me sad, and although i have new distractions for 2010, i am still sad that the basement will be put to rest for some time. i look forward to it livening up in june/july...hurry! :)
and as my glee volume 2 soundtrack plays, i am reminded of my thankfulness for the invention of the dvd followed by putting tv shows on dvd. glee sans commercials is just glorious. and getting the skeptical hooked is just as fantastic :) i'd also like april 13 to hurry.

but i am looking forward to what shall fill my time between now, april 13, and then june/july. for once i feel hopeful about the year. no evidence would be found from my new years eve experience. my year better not end up anywhere near what my nye ended up looking like. and surely. it won't. afterall. it can only go up from here right? well... i sure hope so! cheers to a new year. new beginnings, new hopes, new dreams, new opportunities. i am thankful for new-ness.

*pictures are coming. i got a camera for christmas and refuse to slack in the pictures from now on...but my nails are still wet, so i won't be digging my camera out of my purse, or the cord from the pile of christmas stuff, so they will come at a later time*