Wednesday, March 24, 2010

self pity.

excessive, self-absorbed unhappiness over one's own troubles.

yes. i am wallowing in self pity currently. as it's dumping down snow...on march 24. i know i know. i should be expecting every little bit of white fluffiness that falls down. after all. i have lived in colorado for 19 years. should be used to it by now.

but i'm not. and it doesn't help, that the parents are in mexico, eating nachos, sipping marg's as carlos saunters around with his tight little white pants, flashing out his "hola hola's."

im thinking of possibly attempting the snow blower. i mean really...if mom can do it...surely i can...right? she has step by step instructions written out. we'll see how brave i feel.

all i really want to do is crank the heat, put on my swim suite, and pretend...maybe my ugg boots too...i mean it is a little on the chilly side as we approach a foot of snow, and the dumping continues. but only in monument. the springs, is clear, and people continue on with their day.

did i mention this is my day off? yeah...i didn't even get a free pass was already planned.

too much snow for the dog to go out and find her way do you deal with that?


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