Saturday, March 6, 2010

granola. not just delicious with yogurt.

now...i refuse to jump into "camp granola." i like being clean, i don't like smelling like hemp. i like shaving my legs. now yes. im making giant blanket statments... i apologize.

but my friend helped me stumble upon a blog, that i am currently seriously enjoying. i'm not really sure why i like it, as the name has nothing to do with who i am, or the stage of life i'm in...but it's still been fun to read. here it is.

i know. i'm not a mom. im not really simple...but it's a great resource for life. and i'm living life. so i partake.

my newest intrigue. natural body products. there were posts on how to make homemade shampoo, deoterant, toothpaste, face wash. and im so intrigued!

im getting into this whole organice lifestyle of food, and really loving it, and seriously thinking about moving that direction in the hair/body products. this could be challenging. considering my deep connection to hairspray...more important, "big sexy hair" hairspray.

baby steps. all about the small victories.

i think my first attempt will be deoterant. i'll let you know how it goes...

don't know if i'm ready to take the dive, but i'll dab my feet in the shallow end...see what i see.

1 comment:

  1. Please let me know about your experience with natural deodorant. That's the one I'm most scared about trying. I'm almost all natural with my body products...but I'm struggling with going natural in the deodorant arena. I LOVE antiperspirant; not sure I can live without that unnatural part.

    The other thing I'm not sure I'll ever be able to give up is hairspray. LOVE the stuff!

    Glad you like the blog. I'm a huge fan of hers... :-)
