Monday, March 1, 2010


are you noticing the pattern?

it's another me day. and i just love to blog on me days.

but im slightly perplexed on this me day. i have no idea what to do with myself. i could do laundry----nah. i could go to starbucks and journal---eh. i could go make some fun---meh. see! i'm totally at a loss of what to do with myself.

i spose i could just go finish the 4th season of how i met your mother. yes. that's right. i have watched 4 seasons of this blessed show in....2 months? i mean each night isn't quite right until i have watched/ fallen asleep to an episode of HIMYM!

seriously faithful followers. if you have not seen this show, get your patooty online and start watching. it's just so stinkin good! i die laughing, and although nothing will ever touch friends, i do believe ted, robin, marshall, lilly, and barney do take a very close second.

in other news, i just bought this headband and am quite excited about it.
fun huh! i'm beginning to love flowers and feathers in my hair. new phase? maybe so. but it's deliciously fun!

still looking for new and creative ways to be creative. etsy inspires me daily to get out there and start making things. sew something. i don't know...jury is still out on it all...

off to finish season four and then off to a coffee date. something to look forward to today :)

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